About us

Color Me Beauty LLC, is a family-owned brand created in 2017, that offers a diversity of beauty and health products for men and women to enhance their natural-born beauty. All products are organic and cruelty-free. We offer nothing but top-quality products such as our raw virgin bundles ranging from South Indian, Burmese, Brazilian, and many other origins. We also offer a variety of fitness products such as, waist shapers and an all-natural vitamin supplement used by men and women looking to gain weight. The supplement increases your appetite while lowering your metabolism, to help you maintain the weight you gain.

Our venture into vending stemmed from our owner's long- term goal which is, to one day open a non-profit vending machine co. within the Cleveland community offering free meals to the homeless. Our hope is to generate enough revenue with this new venture into beauty machines to fund our nonprofit project for the homeless.